(Post-Gazette ) - Pittsburgh police reported this afternoon that 73 people were arrested or cited inside and outside of Heinz Field in connection with Saturday's Kenny Chesney performance.
That was on top of 43 minors cited by Pennsylvania State Police for underage drinking during a sweep of the parking lots.
City police said they responded to at least 10 large fights during the festivities. No officers were injured.
But they had plenty to keep them busy: assaults including an indecent assault in the stadium concourse, public urination, disorderly conduct, underage drinking, drunken driving, ticket scalping and a robbery.
Like any sane human I was at the tailgate/concert and granted it was a huge shitshow. Nothing that I would say has NEVER happened. Compare it to a Thursday night in New Orleans. But you know what else is a travesty? Parking is $60, beers in the stadium were as high as $13, and thousands of people that didn't go into the show went to the casino or bars in the area and spent thousands of more dollars. The millions this show generates on a yearly basis has to be worth the trash. And you're telling me for $60 a car you can't hire some immigrants to come clean that parking lot in an hour? I can round of a bunch of homeless people that would do it for $20 and a bottle of Jack.
And by no means am I saying I support underage drinking, DUI's, etc., etc. But at some point in time use your own brain and quit trying to control others. You don't want to be around a bunch of drunk idiots? Stay out of the Gold Lot. You don't want your kid to get an underage? Don't let them go. But don't tell me I can't get drunk in a parking lot and pee on a car when it's 90 degrees outside and there are 4 port-a-potties in the whole damn lot. Guarantee no one from Heinz field or the Casino is making a fuss. They are just rolling around in their money and counting down the days until next year.
P.S. - For the number of people there, the arrest stats are not that bad. No officers injured. But hey only 21 people got shot in Baltimore this weekend!
P.S. - For the number of people there, the arrest stats are not that bad. No officers injured. But hey only 21 people got shot in Baltimore this weekend!